Have you got a youngster who you would like introduced to the sport of cricket?
There are going to be two different courses running this summer for the age groups of FIVE-to-SEVEN and also EIGHT-to-ELEVEN.
ALL STARS (for those aged FIVE-to- SEVEN)
The ECB (English Cricket Board) run courses throughout the summer aimed at introducing 5-7 year olds to the game and here at BRADNINCH CRICKET CLUB, we are running the ALL STARS scheme.
It will run for EIGHT weeks starting on Monday, May 9 and running EVERY MONDAY through until June 27. When you sign up to join the ALL STARS scheme you are all set to go!
Click here to sign up your youngster
DYNAMOS for those aged EIGHT-to-ELEVEN
Perhaps you have a youngster that is too old for the All Stars scheme? However, worry not for there is a course aimed at the older youngsters and that is DYNAMOS. This scheme will also run on a Monday and, as with the All Stars scheme, it will run from May 9 for EIGHT weeks through until June 27.
Click here to register now to join the 2022 Dynamos scheme at Bradninch Cricket Club