
The 73rd Annual General Meeting…

by: wbmedia


The 73rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bradninch Cricket Club will be held in the Kensham Club on Sunday, December 12 with a 7pm start time.

All members are cordially invited to attend.

The agenda for the 73rd AGM is…..

1) Apologies 

2) Welcome Address from the Chairman 

3) Amendments to the Constitution 

3.1: ECB Clubmark Officer 

3.2: Creation of the post of Commercial Officer 

3.3: Creation of the post of Bar Manager 

3.4: Chairman’s length of duties 

4) Minutes of the 72nd AGM, 25th October 2020  

5) Minutes of the EGM, 28th March 2021 

6) Secretary’s Annual Report  

7) Presentation and Agreement of the Accounts together with the Treasurer’s Annual Report.

 Election of the President and Officers of the Club 

9) Election of the Captains, Vice-Captains and Colts Manager 

10) Election of the Committee Members 

11) Subscriptions 

12) Any Other Business 

13) Date of next meeting

Bradninch Cricket Club Constitutional Amendments to be presented at the 73rd AGM, 12th December 2021 

• Agenda Item 3.1: ECB Clubmark Officer Proposed by: Stephen Birley; Seconded by: Simon Glendinning. In Section 8, immediately after (h), delete first paragraph. Rationale Whilst the Job Duties/Tasks are totally correct, these are job duties and, as such, do not need to be part of the Constitution. 

• Agenda Item 3.2: Creation of the post of Commercial Officer Proposed by: Eliot Acton; Seconded by: Christopher Dean. In Section 8, after (h), insert new (i) Commercial Officer. Rationale This new position is proposed in order to reduce the workload of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Treasurer, reporting to the Finance Sub-Committee. 

• Agenda Item 3.3: Creation of the post of Bar Manager Proposed by: Eliot Acton; Seconded by: Christopher Dean. In Section 8, after new (i), [see above] insert new (j) Bar Manager. Rationale To assist the Club, in particular the Treasurer, reporting to the Bar Sub-Committee, in developing the opportunities afforded by the Bar and Pavilion.

• Agenda Item 3.4: Chairman’s length of duties Proposed by: Paul Nott; Seconded by: Roy Nott. In Section 8, after ECB Clubmark Officer, delete paragraph [relating to maximum period of Chairman’s service]. Rationale No need to fetter the Chairman’s maximum period of service.

Members are advised that copies of the minutes from the 71st AGM and also the EGM held on March 28, 2021, together with the latest set of annual accounts, will be available to peruse at the AGM on December 12.




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