Those of you who have recently been to Kensham Park will have noticed that we have undertaken some significant improvements in the clubroom with the aim of creating a more welcoming environment.
These have included purchasing new chairs, sofas, coffee tables, bar stools as well as some significant improvements to the decoration. We have added more canvasses, framed shirts as well as adding some additional colour to the room.
We have also been able to improve the acoustics with the purchase of sound clouds, acoustic ceiling grates and acoustic wall tiles.
Finally, the mens urinal has also been upgraded.
The project has been funded by the ECB County Grant Fund as well as private sponsorship.
Most of the work has been carried out by Ross Lawson voluntarily, so a massive thank you from the club goes out to him as well as all the others involved in the various parts of the project, especially Eliot Acton.

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Looks a bit different to my day, way back when!