A new league season begins this coming Saturday (May 7) and, for the next 18 weeks our two men’s XI’s will be in Tolchards Devon League action. We begin with a 1st XI, Premier Division away game at Hatherleigh with the 2nd XI having the honour of playing the first 2022 home league game when they host Kentisbeare.
As a club, we need to provide a new match ball for each contest – that’s 36 match balls between the two men’s XIs.
Paul Nott has been incredibly busy on the clubs behalf, getting folk to ‘sponsor’ a match ball. To date he has got no fewer than 30 of the 36 balls sponsored AND THAT IS QUITE SOME FEAT.
If there is anyone out there who can/could help Paul (and the club) to complete all 26 match ball sponsorships – JUST SIX MORE TO SELL – then we’d ask anyone who is in a position to be able to help to contact Paul via email at [email protected] or call him on 07789 634117.
The match ball sponsorship is £25 and the sponsors name is posted on the matchday board at the club.